Whenever I put hacks codes for the blogger who used the blockquote function are the quotes that appear when you post something you want to ENHANCE your post.Porém in when he wrote that he wanted to highlight something in the posts were featured on the same hacks. So I decided to differentiate the citations codes hacks using a very simple feature that can be embedded in your post during its creation, it is this box of code that you see when you post the codes. (I'm still updating older posts putting the boxes to the codes). First let's learn a little about the function BLOCKQUOTE :
How can I style a blockquote in a post?
When creating a post with a blockquote, the quoted text will be indented on the right and left to set it off from other text. However, if you would like to add more style to your quotes, you can use the Edit HTML tab to make changes to edit the blockquote using inline CSS. For example, after inserting a blockquote in the Rich Text Editor, you can click on the Edit HTML tab and look for text like this:
This will display your blockquote with a 2 pixel wide dark-grey border, 8 pixels of padding inside the border, and a lighter grey background. Example:
Pro subscribers have access to the feature, which allows you to easily make stylesheet changes for your entire weblog. This will allow you to edit the display of your blockquotes without editing the HTML of the post each time you include a quote. For the same results as above, you would add the following in Weblogs > Edit Design > Custom CSS:
22 Amazing Examples To Customize Blockquote Style In Blogger!
Blockquotes a really a very nice way to differentiate some of the content from the rest. And it is also a nice way to impress the users by using a cool style for the quote In this post i have given the different styles of blockquotes from different sources just check the styles.
Style 1
Blockquote Code:
Style 2
Blockquote Code:
Style 3
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote Code:
Style 5
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote With a Fancy Border and Owl Image
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote With a Purple Corner Label and Border At Bottom
Blockquote Code:
Jigsaw Blockquote With An Image At Right Corner
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes With Classic Left Borders
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes left sided green black
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote With A Brown Corner Label
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes With Inverted Commas
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes commas orange
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes commas hands
Blockquote Code:
Blockquotes commas green
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote With Well Aligned Image At Top
Blockquote Code:
Blockquote With Canopy Style Image At Top and Bottom
Blockquote Code:
Box Style Blockquote Surrounded By Borders
Blockquote Code:
The Monkey Man Blockquote!!! Once you get an idea on how to use these blockquotes then you can create artistic and some funny blockquotes like the one below,
Blockquote Code:
couple of ways to dress up the lowly blockquote
Blockquote Code:
big chunky quotation mark blockquote
Blockquote Code:
Here is one more. I use it on Buttermilk Clouds. It is simple in a fancy way. I'm changing the color here so you can see a variety. The great thing about this blockquote is you don't need an image to save and upload. It is all done with smoke and mirrors!
Blockquote Code:
Implementation and Customization:-
Now To add One of these amazing and unique blockquotes to your blogs, Instructions To Follow:
STEP #1 Log in to Blogger,go to Design -> Edit HTML and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates" and Backup your template
Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template: Search for .post blockquote and delete it along with all its occurrences. In most templates the codes look like this,
If you couldn’t find such code then it is OK.
Now search for ]]></b:skin> and just above ]]></b:skin> , paste the code for one of your favourite blockquotes. I am giving a sample code below
Important areas to be customized are bolded. Where,
# padding: It refers to the distance of the text from blockquote borders. Which goes in this order –> Top Right Bottom Left
# background :- This includes Blockquote background color and image used in it. The six digit value is the background color and image link is inserted in place of bolded text in this part-> url(Paste Image Link here)
# font :- It includes font style, size and type respectively. Match the colours with the code above for reference.
# color :- This refers to text colour. You can use a different font colour using our color chart
# border :- This refers to border width, style and colour respectively. # All other blockquotes can be customized in similar way.
After customizing finally save your template and preview it to see the interesting new change.
Guide:- For above mentioned blockquotes you need to add some extra tags inside blogger editor as explained below, Now Whenever you have written a Quote inside the compose mode of Blogger Editor simply switch to the HTML mode and add two tags i.e <div> and </div> between the blockquote tags as demonstrated below,
Thanks to My Blogger Trick
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UPDATE: I updated some of my posts, this post I update 17+ Featured Content Slider for Blogger Using jQuery ..........
How can I style a blockquote in a post?
When creating a post with a blockquote, the quoted text will be indented on the right and left to set it off from other text. However, if you would like to add more style to your quotes, you can use the Edit HTML tab to make changes to edit the blockquote using inline CSS. For example, after inserting a blockquote in the Rich Text Editor, you can click on the Edit HTML tab and look for text like this:
<blockquote>This is some quoted text.</blockquote>
And edit it so that it looks like: <blockquote style="border: 2px solid #666; padding: 8px; background-color: #ccc;">This is some quoted text.</blockquote>
This will display your blockquote with a 2 pixel wide dark-grey border, 8 pixels of padding inside the border, and a lighter grey background. Example:
This is some quoted text.
Pro subscribers have access to the feature, which allows you to easily make stylesheet changes for your entire weblog. This will allow you to edit the display of your blockquotes without editing the HTML of the post each time you include a quote. For the same results as above, you would add the following in Weblogs > Edit Design > Custom CSS:
blockquote { border: 2px solid #666; padding: 10px; background-color: #ccc; }
If your blog is using Advanced Templates, you would add the above code to the Stylesheet template. If you would like more information on all the possibilities of styling elements with CSS, there is a useful tutorial here.22 Amazing Examples To Customize Blockquote Style In Blogger!
Blockquotes a really a very nice way to differentiate some of the content from the rest. And it is also a nice way to impress the users by using a cool style for the quote In this post i have given the different styles of blockquotes from different sources just check the styles.
Style 1
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { margin: 1em 3em; padding: .5em 1em; border-left: 5px solid #fce27c; background-color: #f6ebc1; } blockquote p { margin: 0; }
Style 2
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { margin: 1em 3em; color: #999; border-left: 2px solid #999; padding-left: 1em; }
Style 3
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { margin: 1em 2em; border-left: 1px dashed #999; padding-left: 1em; } blockquote p:first-letter { float: left; margin: .2em .3em .1em 0; font-family: "Monotype Corsiva", "Apple Chancery", fantasy; font-size: 220%; font-weight: bold; } blockquote p:first-line { font-variant: small-caps; }
Unlike other quotes this style has an option of bold first letter. Style 4 Blockquote Code:
blockquote { background-color: #666; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; }
Style 5
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { background-color: #666; color:#fff; padding: 15px; margin: 1em 40px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 15px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 15px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 8px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 15px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; }
Blockquote With a Fancy Border and Owl Image
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 60px 30px 40px 20px; background : #F1F8FE url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjPsm0qxybJqIWHhlesG7xpxsSU-oXENfzfNBeYFrqYQYIWXkzvn7rNXaUsmqo4vcS5qInS5QLKExtl1892qujZ9lSu1hPcmOiIJT9soYChyOKx43NjouBy9HVQPgZ80kZR4tGZEma8yBI/s400/owl.png) no-repeat 350px 5px; font: normal .9em "comic sans ms", Courier,"Times New Roman", Times, serif; color : #000; border-left: 8px dotted #DAB547; } blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquote With a Purple Corner Label and Border At Bottom
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 70px 20px 20px 40px; background : #E4EAFE url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgzGHOxWQ6TEfq-8hMbdswL_dCafFGNQ6Z8utWHk_ZQE5tpRPKWsYgH1PNoBZW21KLKXwZqnzyoTNqQ6wUC9QLG2iMjGdbYZXfRVmIE1577bgRHfN_SAWbcBWXKaVmx4clCzo-pm1zI0kk/s400/angular-purple.gif) no-repeat top left; font: bold 1em Helvetica, verdana, Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color : #000; border-bottom : 5px solid #435388; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Jigsaw Blockquote With An Image At Right Corner
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 10px 20px 25px 20px; background : #9FCFFF url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEisbYrUg9gM7Rm5vMPJNYIpk2UiSyf_YAj8GeagV7adNO6K1ldjzHUA1MMLOdp-hps01tzF6Steb1GyfGOc9GsCRrvqVCSssCCNQUE43aI6v29zccGUqCKIQ5e1gEjI2Gw6Yk6oA2_b76w/s400/block22.gif) no-repeat right bottom; font: bold .9em "comic sans ms", arial, Helvetica,verdana, Georgia; color : #484848; border: 5px dashed #fff; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquotes With Classic Left Borders
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { background: #F3F3F1 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgs86nXfPZ0UDuEnKdtXGC7vD6W2Kudkzif2bFOyQmRF8WJf4qO7Ul2gp9GqvRytlx2zE7i6vuoOkRSwO7LM3ZQ4SSDijPzr55vAHFcJaY4cSsSKJbhUsJbfL9EAB118XfHXoVo_U4p5O0/s1600/comma-side-orange1.gif) ; background-position:; background-repeat:repeat-y; margin: 0 20px; padding: 20px 20px 10px 45px; font-size: 0.9em; font: italic 1.2em Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top: 10px; }
Blockquotes left sided green black
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { background: #484B52 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgggxxQhPjizZp2vXzRYA9G0GgfiqZy83Sj__3ygFKTcL3_Quso1xasawLaUPEnpGAw5TMy1eJrjPaPS1dtHp_MQ-K0MiDI_X5p-rOjkJ-8KQDDLH14FaoKzgQVlxPO2jVr0LBDp0Nyg9o/s1600/green-black-side.gif) ; background-position:; background-repeat:repeat-y; margin: 0 20px; padding: 20px 20px 20px 50px; color:#C7CACF; font: normal 0.9em Helvetica, verdana, serif, Georgia, "Times New Roman"; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top: 10px; }
Blockquote With A Brown Corner Label
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 20px 60px 80px 20px; background : #FEE4E3 url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhQH9LAFfIrU2y0sjyibCB97ns1YcmpHUc5TCBc6e2bZExv3LGh96Qs7SpSltTivUxKdnUYQ3VMEPeB7AcyE1ppmNMTPTBHPk6h3NlCl-gagTQB5mMEKwH04V5N8l15hkmwgrhCTj8Kpik/s400/angular-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; font: bold italic 1em Georgia, verdana, Helvetica, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color : #000; border: 1px solid #DDD; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquotes With Inverted Commas
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { font: 18px normal Tahoma, sans-serif; padding-top: 10px; margin: 5px; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIK2BC_NYoTy4jWO42yMvDBbfj9okeUTJhLZM628b2z8vVjv9ZcrjHQpPeADdUIaJwImGml6TqJTyyjuk9rwzthrqYa9rh3d2VZ29th-uICeAU1A1CnUJxgXI8R7RPuOStJ0igZ7fa708/s400/comma-left.gif) no-repeat top left; text-indent: 65px; } .post blockquote div { display: block; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqIVZjw_LL0n_qMMfxKRQKKAKi4m1irA7zemkzr-rEDNurP3odxCejs0ZkiBeX_lkIjO3BEg1IjKmUMha_tXSgpYBwL0I6J8iraw4bKzE3KM3Z1QWbZmtFJCMUTbWSlfOGIEvhPe9Cn60/s400/comma-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; padding-bottom:10px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquotes commas orange
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { font: 18px normal Tahoma, sans-serif; padding-top: 10px; margin: 5px; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhzBIkMj-XSi2YrNvhdeUlJvtC8ij-hHghOYDo_P3RHai0Ud8VWNY4Wo8vSOQBIT0R9FNtbwyfelmaOpy_MFWUkWiyAVHHe-AjuJ7DRrz11UgAg8RCWt2b8K6hwTOH9Aui_Nd5lHGEi5KQ/s400/comma1-left.gif) no-repeat top left; text-indent: 65px; } .post blockquote div { display: block; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjQzKlaf3NOv9UpfU9B6pttaLeEVRceSUIQ0czBln0rpxaiyUO2NlwwvvWafxurjhjZ3iESRIq6ktEv69ATCwa7K1tcdFnIfkwUU140E5mD4kfm_9uHtCDk1HDE23KRgat28-0ja_wCmMU/s400/comma1-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; padding-bottom:10px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquotes commas hands
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { font:bold italic .9em "comic sans ms", Tahoma, sans-serif; padding-top: 25px; margin: 5px; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEivLFKSD-3-6S33KgpdXmdj6SXeoeKtxMQeCvpz1ztCNNOR4cfyPNZzQflcOPsAFtlj0cY0va3JtiOo2kJhpC4rtZ2SnXbdwiUfKOoY0i2jXcuJH-yE8Q-VHwFq41ofmnmYlHgFP60nLM8/s400/left.gif) no-repeat top left; text-indent: 65px; color:#6299E4; } .post blockquote div { display: block; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjMGsVJmQdbJWvAbEnGZoJe_tDU6P96DFOJh2pTYJKmWHDQ1-7_IklRM1pgqCncckEzJAPE6S6HetqCZ4xl_kifCWlilkX0nlHMUTuRW9_s7oDYUxCVL13F1H5_0bf008TZ9Xas6BHUhEQ/s400/right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; padding-bottom:30px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquotes commas green
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { font: italic 1em "comic sans ms", Tahoma, sans-serif; padding-top: 10px; margin: 5px; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBc0x7gSw4zxX47hDyLopqjZUD448OHTsTRnmfEHS4GmSOIsIOciJowJyOLLRklSlPWNAKJx9Nh7PXSf-Z8VyT_aG5-72PjjsssMMATThsx3EdGi9OUM4oeXgXKiglrYt7pkm9tL9BJ0o/s400/comma2-left.gif) no-repeat top left; text-indent: 65px; } .post blockquote div { display: block; background: url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEggbTs0zDy4RABIPb0aQaAn5aPHkmqdlNWYUSKk-4DP1aqjgFp4fLMHHo82Xst_MqOT9JCWWtR5rINAUG48IQO2Dx_8m-QPOAifUVZcT6TLXDxWPX7WAD_W-CywO8gL5IIW4h_Bwy72MvQ/s400/comma2-right.gif) no-repeat bottom right; padding-bottom:10px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquote With Well Aligned Image At Top
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 70px 20px 20px 20px; background : #E7E5DC url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjjqc0AluNusI6LENCIQLe3Nnp_2xIhSBajwDLlVXNopNnffmAEC3xHInEC90ykjprH9neWV2dAx6YCwKju3sLukAPXG-YxT0Dp3DgohBwR_GSjhgCXliYwfIH0HwC7I4UY5GumB6znphY/s1600/block333.gif) no-repeat top; font: normal 1em "comic sans ms",Helvetica, Courier,"Times New Roman", Times, serif; color : #000000; border-bottom : 7px solid #FF0000; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Blockquote With Canopy Style Image At Top and Bottom
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote{ margin : 0 20px; padding: 50px 30px 50px 30px; background : #FFF url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj78C9O8mlOnY6mwAXl1wPV0QmhY2MWNR6LuhFdtcjciObkadb9syuANzW8FhKJ1avPHUeWs9HzNWpoXIdGKVcy3iwi8McmU4JlRbz1bDhMAy4PVz6UgMBOUHF9GXuPcm-fauTQtfn3B7k/s1600/BLOCK1-TOP.gif) no-repeat top; font: bold italic 1em Helvetica, verdana; color : #000; } .post blockquote div{ background : #FFF url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg5_a8YucKOkJNL2kBMv4JH_tXPayt66x7Y-ILXMd0fBfIGwRx55vwLyiUTrF_02MNEe43vJcqFpYYoNzzrxTbvo3PB0PmUiFVKkKiFFOuhxX_2gH0uRj_4v13EnpyMNR1GSsPh-k-uBXY/s1600/BLOCK1-BOTTOM.gif) no-repeat bottom; padding-bottom: 50px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
Box Style Blockquote Surrounded By Borders
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin : 0 20px; padding: 70px 20px 30px 20px; background : #E7E5DC url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiDSmDhiABM9FlUgwPNrhcS8oQwl3PwGWK5eH93WaTJ2oHSMumF5N_4cSCCWPw44MNRl7qt-GQVdrykAwUxGiJvFkxxiFjvQ4CPHNdBgMNbi1GjeP4XmRPGrcxwJndEFn9BDfE7ZWrxPPY/s400/block3331.gif) no-repeat top; font: bold .9em Helvetica, "comic sans ms",Courier,"Times New Roman", Times, serif; color : #343434; border-left : 7px solid #FF7802; border-right : 7px solid #FF7802; border-bottom : 7px solid #FF7802; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding-top:10px; }
The Monkey Man Blockquote!!! Once you get an idea on how to use these blockquotes then you can create artistic and some funny blockquotes like the one below,
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote{ margin : 0 35px; padding: 80px 0px 0px 0px; background : #E6F1FA url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh50d3FhyptYxGxyy0te6AJ48u2Bynt00oxEFKF14k1tHf7P1bflcPui2l2u5FaxIZ9qyOcwTBHPrqmJbAQBcwqEybAOd-UEpEt56Y2O9XvMFX6QWoCtYnpl0Cm1_xwSyiPUIe8x8ifgzI/s400/head2.gif) no-repeat top; font: normal 1em "comic sans ms", Helvetica, verdana; color : #666; } .post blockquote div{ background : #E6F1FA url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhlmZ1HXMmts-e01WpamDSh_8jOIY5mW7DdkrEUGhw4vF_Uen3Zu980IMBUCx13eKRvFQR2Ta-37K_nNjOf5nFoGvlyvAmpeygXrLrejbMZNs-CYFvgXxwU5-q_2rw0ywlHwTNKqnYJoP8/s400/head-bottom3.gif) no-repeat bottom; padding-bottom: 50px; } .post blockquote p { margin: 0; padding: 20px; }
couple of ways to dress up the lowly blockquote
Blockquote Code:
.post blockquote { margin:1em 20px; } .post blockquote p { margin:.75em 0; } blockquote { background:#EFEFF7; }
big chunky quotation mark blockquote
Blockquote Code:
blockquote { background-position:-10px -7px; border: 1px dashed #FFC600; margin: 20px 10; padding: 0 20px 0 50px; background: url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhJ_hJ5kLCtMsfX0Wp8Jx9qh_NzECc7w4JugcCJSp2CoCbGt4kN33hVtl_D_gVut6pY_YOM5plzOaAb6m0sySxR9xeHC9JQHxsV0cBxHUJZQikI6CjIxVCVCUXNusddGaekw0YZJugFza2g/s1600/quote.png") 5% no-repeat #FFF8DD; }
Here is one more. I use it on Buttermilk Clouds. It is simple in a fancy way. I'm changing the color here so you can see a variety. The great thing about this blockquote is you don't need an image to save and upload. It is all done with smoke and mirrors!
Blockquote Code:
blockquote{ background-color: transparent; border-top: 3px double #DC143C; border-bottom: 3px double #DC143C; padding: 5px; font-style: oblique; font-size: 1em; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }
If you want a different color, find one on this fantastic color chart then put that color code in place of #DC143C in the code above.Implementation and Customization:-
Now To add One of these amazing and unique blockquotes to your blogs, Instructions To Follow:
STEP #1 Log in to Blogger,go to Design -> Edit HTML and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates" and Backup your template
Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template: Search for .post blockquote and delete it along with all its occurrences. In most templates the codes look like this,
.post-body blockquote { line-height:1.3em; }
OR .post blockquote{ bla bla bla}
If you couldn’t find such code then it is OK.
Now search for ]]></b:skin> and just above ]]></b:skin> , paste the code for one of your favourite blockquotes. I am giving a sample code below
blockquote{ background-color: transparent; border-top: 3px double #DC143C; border-bottom: 3px double #DC143C; padding: 5px; font-style: oblique; font-size: 1em; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }
Important areas to be customized are bolded. Where,
# padding: It refers to the distance of the text from blockquote borders. Which goes in this order –> Top Right Bottom Left
# background :- This includes Blockquote background color and image used in it. The six digit value is the background color and image link is inserted in place of bolded text in this part-> url(Paste Image Link here)
# font :- It includes font style, size and type respectively. Match the colours with the code above for reference.
# color :- This refers to text colour. You can use a different font colour using our color chart
# border :- This refers to border width, style and colour respectively. # All other blockquotes can be customized in similar way.
After customizing finally save your template and preview it to see the interesting new change.
Guide:- For above mentioned blockquotes you need to add some extra tags inside blogger editor as explained below, Now Whenever you have written a Quote inside the compose mode of Blogger Editor simply switch to the HTML mode and add two tags i.e <div> and </div> between the blockquote tags as demonstrated below,
<blockquote><div>Your Quote Will Be Here</div></blockquote>
Thanks to My Blogger Trick
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