Thursday, May 13, 2010

Animated Notice Box Blogger and Blogspot Widget and Plugin

Ever wanted to greet your visitor with something important message or want to have your visitor a look at the most important content of your website. Than a Animated Notice Box blogger widget is the one you are looking for.

Log in To Blogger

Go To Layout --->Page elements

Click on Add Gadget and Select Html/Javascirpt

and Paste the bellow Code in it



border: 1px solid;

margin: 10px 0px;

padding:15px 10px 15px 50px;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: 10px center;


color: #00529B;

background-color: #BDE5F8;

background-image: url('');


</style><script src="" type="text/javascript">


<script type="text/javascript">









<div id="info">

<a class="close" href="#close" style="float: right;"><img border="0" src="" /></a>

This Is Your Message .You can change it to Your need. Click on close button on right to exit this box

Now click Save Template

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Add/Remove page/Post View Counter Widget For Blogger

Update: script Not Work sory

Most of you are always thinking of a way to track that how many times is your posts or articles on your blog are viewed. Blogger a major free blog hosting provider does not have a individual post views counter widget like other blogging platforms, wordpress have. This is new improved version must work smoothly for all blogger blogs.

Features Added
  • New code makes Faster loading
  • Post views shown as image rather than text
  • You can show counter on Homepage too.
  • No ads at all. Advert Free.

How To install individual Page views counter widget for Blogger ??

Step#1 Log into your Blogger dashboard. Go to layout and than click on edit/html

Now check on expand widget content , than find the bellow code

<div class='post-header-line-1'>
and paste the bellow code after the above line

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><img height='16' src='' width='16'/><img alt='counter' expr:src='&quot;; + + &quot;&amp;digit=4&quot;'/> <b>Views</b><b:else/><img height='16' src='' width='16'/><img alt='counter' expr:src='&quot;; + + &quot;&amp;digit=4&quot;'/> <b>Views</b></b:if>

Now click Save Template

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Visit/Hit counter for individual posts of blogger blog

Instructions To no Follow:
Log in to Blogger, go to Layout -> Edit HTML
and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
And immediately after it, paste this code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div id='hit-counter'> &lt;a href=&#39;&#39; rel=&#39;no follow&#39;&gt; <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> Times Visited &lt;/a&gt; </div></b:if>

You can change red text to - Viewed / Visits etc.

Now click Save Template

Divide Blogger Labels/Categories widget into Two Columns

Previously you only have single column for Labels. It is good for few labels upto 5 to 10. But if you have more labels, say 20 - 30 then the list goes very long. How about having two or more columns for labels as shown in the image. It will take less space and looks good.

To do this go to Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates.

We need to find the Label id first. Press CTRL F and look for id='Label
Your Label id may be id='Label1 or id='Label2.

Now look for the following code

Now add following code before the ]]></b:skin>
#Label1 ul li{
float: left;
width: 45%;

Remember Label1 is your label id. If your label id is Label2 then use following code instead of above

#Label2 ul li{
float: left;
width: 45%;

Now click Save Template

Width will depend on how many columns you want included, and not always accurate, because the widget will inherit the label from the sidebar padding schedule (. Sidebar ul li or something similar). In this case, 45% is good for the two columns become 3 columns, you can walk along with 30 or 33%)

Simple jQuery Featured Content Slider for Blogger Blog

Instructions To Follow:
Log in to Blogger, go to Layout -> Edit HTML
and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:
And immediately before it, paste this code:

#jFlowSlide{ background:#f8f8f8; font-family: Georgia; }
#myController { font-family: Georgia; padding:2px 0; width:610px; background:#000000; }
#myController span.jFlowSelected { background:#43A0D5;margin-right:0px; }

.slide-wrapper { padding: 5px; }
.slide-thumbnail { width:300px; float:left; }
.slide-thumbnail img {max-width:300px; }
.slide-details { width:290px; float:right; margin-left:10px;}
.slide-details h2 { font-size:1.5em; font-style: italic; font-weight:normal; line-height: 1; margin:0; }
.slide-details .description { margin-top:10px; }

.jFlowControl, .jFlowPrev, .jFlowNext { color:#FFF; cursor:pointer; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; }
.jFlowControl:hover, .jFlowPrev:hover, .jFlowNext:hover { background: #43A0D5; }

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:


And immediately before it, paste this code:

<script language='javascript' src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script language='javascript' src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
slides: &quot;#slides&quot;,
controller: &quot;.jFlowControl&quot;, // must be class, use . sign
slideWrapper : &quot;#jFlowSlide&quot;, // must be id, use # sign
selectedWrapper: &quot;jFlowSelected&quot;, // just pure text, no sign
auto: true, //auto change slide, default true
width: &quot;610px&quot;,
height: &quot;235px&quot;,
duration: 100,
prev: &quot;.jFlowPrev&quot;, // must be class, use . sign
next: &quot;.jFlowNext&quot; // must be class, use . sign

Now click Save Template

Finally go to Page Elements > Add a Gadget > HTML/JAVA Script. And add following code to it.

<div class="jflow-content-slider">
<div id="slides">

<-! Slide #1 Starts-->
<div class="slide-wrapper">
<div class="slide-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="IMAGE-LINK"/>

<div class="slide-details">
<span style="font-size: large;"><b> TITLE-OF-THE-SLIDE </b></span>
<div class="description">

<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- Slide # 1 Ends -->

<-! Slide #2 Starts-->
<div class="slide-wrapper">
<div class="slide-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="IMAGE-LINK"/>

<div class="slide-details">
<span style="font-size: large;"><b> TITLE-OF-THE-SLIDE </b></span>
<div class="description">

<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- Slide # 2 Ends -->

<-! Slide #3 Starts-->
<div class="slide-wrapper">
<div class="slide-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="IMAGE-LINK"/>

<div class="slide-details">
<span style="font-size: large;"><b> TITLE-OF-THE-SLIDE </b></span>
<div class="description">

<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- Slide # 3 Ends -->

<!-- You can add as many slides as you want above this line -->

<div id="myController">
<span class="jFlowPrev">Prev</span>

<span class="jFlowControl">1</span>
<span class="jFlowControl">2</span>
<span class="jFlowControl">3</span>
<!-- Increase these numbers as with the increase in your number of slides above -->
<span class="jFlowNext">Next</span>
<div class="clear"></div>

t's Done.


Code 1. You can change the background colors in code 1 to suit your blog.

Code 2. First of all download and upload it to google sites.

You can change width, height and duration speed.

Code 3. As you look on code 3 there are 3 slide codes. First give the image link, add title and finally add description. Do same with all three codes. You can add more slide by adding the code:

<div class="slide-wrapper">
<div class="slide-thumbnail">
<img alt="" src="IMAGE-LINK"/>

<div class="slide-details">
<span style="font-size: large;"><b> TITLE-OF-THE-SLIDE </b></span>
<div class="description">

<div class="clear"></div>

Also you have to add

and so on for next slides.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Featured Content Slider for Blogger Using jQuery

UPDATE: I updated some of my posts, this post I update 17+ Featured Content Slider for Blogger Using jQuery ..........

Instructions To Follow:
Log in to Blogger, go to Layout -> Edit HTML
and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:
And immediately before it, paste this code:

border:5px solid #ccc;
#featured ul.ui-tabs-nav{
top:0; left:400px;
padding:0; margin:0;
#featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li{
padding:1px 0; padding-left:13px;
#featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li span{
font-size:11px; font-family:Verdana;

#featured .ui-tabs-panel{
width:400px; height:250px;
background:#999; position:relative;
#featured .ui-tabs-hide{

#featured li.ui-tabs-nav-item a{/*On Hover Style*/
color:#333; background:#fff;
#featured li.ui-tabs-nav-item a:hover{
#featured li.ui-tabs-selected{ /*Selected tab style*/
background:url('selected-item.gif') top left no-repeat;
#featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li.ui-tabs-selected a{

#featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li img{
float:left; margin:2px 5px;
border:1px solid #eee;
#featured .ui-tabs-panel .info{
top:180px; left:0;
height:70px; width: 400px;
background: url('transparent-bg.png');
#featured .info h2{
font-size:18px; font-family:Georgia, serif;
color:#fff; padding:5px; margin:0;
#featured .info p{
margin:0 5px;
font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px;
line-height:15px; color:#f0f0f0;
#featured .info a{
#featured .info a:hover{

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:
And immediately after it, paste this code:

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(&quot;#featured &gt; ul&quot;).tabs({fx:{opacity: &quot;toggle&quot;}}).tabs(&quot;rotate&quot;, 5000, true);

Now click Save Template

STEP #4 Log in to Blogger, go to Layout


Add a Gadget of HTML/JavaScript type.

Then add this code in to it:.

<div id='featured'>
<ul class='ui-tabs-nav'>
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item ui-tabs-selected' id='nav-fragment-1'><a href='#fragment-1'><img alt='pic1' src=''/><span>Install Mac OS X on Intel/AMD PC using iATKOS v7</span></a></li>
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-2'><a href='#fragment-2'><img alt='blogger' src=''/><span>How to remove &quot;showing post with label&quot; in Blogger</span></a></li>
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-3'><a href='#fragment-3'><img alt='buzz' src=''/><span>How to add Google Buzz to Blogspot blog</span></a></li>
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-4'><a href='#fragment-4'><img alt='chat' src=''/><span>Chat live with your blog visitors using Yahoo Pingbox</span></a></li>
<!-- First Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel' id='fragment-1' style=''>
<img alt='mac' src=''/>
<div class='info'>
<h3><a href='#'>Install Mac OS X on Intel/AMD PC using iATKOS v7</a></h3>
<p>Description goes here, this is just a test description....<a href=''>read more</a></p>
<!-- Second Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-2' style=''>
<img alt='' src=''/>
<div class='info'>
<h3><a href='#'>How to remove &quot;showing post with label&quot; in Blogger</a></h3>
<p>Description goes here, this is just a test description....<a href='#'>read more</a></p>
<!-- Third Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-3' style=''>
<img alt='' src=''/>
<div class='info'>
<h3><a href='#'>How to add Google Buzz to Blogspot blog</a></h3>
<p>Description goes here, this is just a test description....<a href='#'>read more</a></p>
<!-- Fourth Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-4' style=''>
<img alt='' src=''/>
<div class='info'>
<h3><a href='#'>Chat live with your blog visitors using yahoo</a></h3>
<p>Description goes here, this is just a test description....<a href='#'>read more</a></p>
</div> </div>

Now click Save